The remarkable story of Christian persecution
over the centuries
By Patrick Sookhdeo
Isaac Publications. 272 pages. £10.00
ISBN 978 1 732 195 240
In his interim report on the persecution of Christians, published on 3 May, the Bishop of Truro likened the current persecution of Christians to genocide, as 245 million Christians are persecuted worldwide in 50 countries, an annual rise of 30 million.
The Truro report is a current snapshot. In Hated Without a Reason Dr Patrick Sookhdeo reviews the whole history of persecution suffered by Christians from the very beginning when 11 of the 12 apostles died a martyr’s death. Martyrdom was the experience of many churches in the first millennium (Chapters 4-8). Some of these churches engaged in significant mission work, although they are disregarded by some evangelicals today.