Love and hope through the generations

Val Archer  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2019
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Love and hope through the generations

Anita Cleverly
Bible Reading Fellowship. 176 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 0 857 466 617

Given the seismic cultural, moral, sexual and social upheaval in Britain today, the author’s call to the older generation of Christians to model courage, wisdom, faith and prayer is both timely and vital – not least in passing on the ‘faith once delivered’ to children generally – and one’s grandchil-dren especially.

Anita Cleverly has a lifetime of experience as a Christian mother and grandmother and in family ministry, which she ransacks to great effect. She writes with a light touch, interweaving gospel truths and scriptural wisdom with a sharp understanding of the complex challenges facing Christian parents today. All in all it makes for both an enjoyable and stimulating read.

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