The difference Jesus makes to that where-is-my-life-going-is-God-even-there-will-I-end-up-alone-will-this-ever-feel-like-home-I-hate-my-job-I-have-no-real-friends-I-wish-I-was-back--at-school-am-I-failing-at-life…feeling.
By Rachel Jones
The Good Book Company. 207 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 784 983 314
Rachel has the uncanny ability to able to look inside my mind, express the longings of my heart in such a truthful but comical way, that I’m left chuckling and then fist pumping ‘Yes! Exactly!’
This book is useful for anyone with existential-based angst, though its target audience is clearly the (oft-maligned) millennials, who find themselves cut adrift from the structures of home and education and surfacing in adulthood wondering: ‘Is this it?’