Challenging the ‘isms’ of our day

Benjamin Twiss  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2019
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Challenging the ‘isms’ of our day

Our witness and the sins that work against it
By David Martin
10 Publishing. 75 pages. £4.99
ISBN 978 1 912 373 604

The title says it all – followers of Christ are called to be different. To my shame, however, I was not all that excited about the prospect of this book. I know I need to be different. I think I know the ways in which I need to be different. I try to be different. Do I need to be reminded once again to be different, and what difference will that make?

Praise God, this short book by David Martin did make a difference, because the book itself is so different. Martin helps us to see specific ways that UK Christians have taken on the values of our culture so that we are no longer distinctive. He argues that these work against our witness to the world. Four particular sins are highlighted – one for each chapter of the book: Materialism, with an emphasis on the desire to frequently up and leave our churches for caravanning holidays! Careerism, and the idol of work. Sentimentalism, highlighting an identity crisis specifically amongst the older generation, resulting in a lack of courageous wisdom being passed on to younger Christians. Finally, Nationalism and the failure to love and reach out to UK citizens who originate from different countries. Each chapter clearly explains the issue, but then provides a balanced argument that exposes our hearts.

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