In days of old when knights were bold

Ann Benton  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2019
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In days of old when knights were bold

Written and illustrated by Zoe Carter
CreateSpace, both £6.99.
Sir Lived Alot: 46 pages.
ISBN 978 1 539 720 317
The Times of Sir Lived Alot: 40 pages.
ISBN 978 1 727 205 350.

Zoe Carter lives in Edinburgh and has a website of Bible craft ideas. She also writes and illustrates books for young children. These two are the latest in her ‘Wise Owl’ series. Others in the series pick up on themes from Proverbs; these are about Ecclesiastes.

Since many adult Christians don’t know quite what to make of Ecclesiastes and tend to ignore it, this is a bold move. Out of respect for its intended audience, it is not a comprehensive treatment, but it picks up on major themes. Sir Lived Alot has the title character seeking happiness in money, fame, knowledge and love, but finding it is all empty without the King. The Times of Sir Lived Alot takes the famous poem of Ecclesiastes 3.1-8 that explores the seasons of life and shows that meaning and contentment can only be found with reference to God, who ‘made everything beautiful in its time’.

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