New to Corinth

Julian Hardyman  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2018
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New to Corinth

Tyndale New Testament Commentaries
By Thomas R. Schreiner
IVP. 337pages. £15.99
ISBN 978 1 783 596 683

This is a replacement for the original Tyndale Commentary by Leon Morris (first edition 1958, second 1985), which the new author (Thomas Schreiner, who teaches NT at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville) describes as irreplaceable.

Actually he is being too modest, because culture, church life and NT scholarship have moved on and a replacement was needed. I am delighted to say that it has been delivered to us, comprehensively. Schreiner’s commentary is almost 30% longer than the second Morris edition and the extra space has been used well. Background, structure and purpose are nicely dealt with in an introduction which includes a full and rich thematic analysis of the theology of the letter.

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