Gospel ‘to go’

Matthew Childs  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2018
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Gospel ‘to go’

Serving God’s mission
By Tim Chester
IVP. 80 pages. £4.99
ISBN 978 1 783 596 553

Many of us struggle to find decent study notes or to even open our Bibles at all. This little book is part of a wider series by Keswick Resources, that will certainly whet our appetite for reading and studying our Bibles more regularly.

It is designed to be a study guide for the individual or a house group. Its accessibility and ease means that it can be both. The purpose of the book is to encourage and challenge the Christian to think correctly about mission and that they can be missional in the home, in the work place and in the church. Each study chapter is designed to be interactive and thought provoking with questions throughout. As each chapter concludes, it offers the reader an opportunity for further application and an opportunity for reflection and prayer. The book keeps our noses in our Bibles, challenging us to see that mission is one of the central theme’s of God’s story.

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