Silly­ caring­­­

Calvin Peat  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2018
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Silly­ caring­­­

image: IMDb

Peyton Reed
Cert. 12A. 118 mins

This sequel to Marvel’s surprisingly entertaining film Ant-Man recaptures the same sense of silliness amidst the awkward, imperfect situations of life, while still caring about its colourful characters and moving their stories forward.

Scott Lang/Ant-Man (the naturally funny, likeable Paul Rudd) reluctantly re-teams with Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) and Hope Van Dyne, now suited up as The Wasp (Evangeline Lilly), to help them rescue Hank’s wife and Hope’s mother, Janet Van Dyne, who is stuck in the Quantum Realm.

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