Hearts that sing

Stuart Cashman  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2018
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Hearts that sing

Ancient Psalms for modern pilgrims
By Rhett P. Dodson
Banner of Truth. 272 pages. £11.00
ISBN 978 1 848 717 923

When a friend heard I was reading a book of sermons on the Psalms of Ascents (Psalms 120-134) he declared it ‘didn’t sound terribly interesting’. This is a crying shame. My friend is sadly missing out, as will anyone who ignores this excellent book.

These Psalms were sung by Israelites journeying to Jerusalem to worship at the temple. As Christians, we too are pilgrims journeying through life in this world to the New Jerusalem. We face many of the same challenges. As the author states: ‘These Psalms highlight the various facets of the pilgrim’s life’ (p.IX). So the meditations in this book deal with pressing issues for all of us, including coping with lies (Psalm 120), work and family (Psalm 127), stress (Psalm 131) and church unity (Psalm 133).

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