Old story, new insights

Mary Stolarski  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2018
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Old story, new insights

Missionary to the cannibals of the South Seas
By Paul Schlehlein
Banner of Truth. 186 pages. £6.00
ISBN 978 1 848 717 657

As I began delving into a new book about the man who Spurgeon called ‘The king of the cannibals’, I wondered what new insights could be revealed.

I had read John G. Paton’s autobiography some years ago, but I was not disappointed by this fresh look at a great missionary. There is so much to challenge and encourage every believer in this gripping volume. Living in the comfort of 21st-century Britain, few of us can grasp what it would mean to risk our lives in order to witness to cannibals.

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