Faith renewed annually

Ursula Weekes  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2018
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Faith	renewed annually

Man of Sorrows, c.1860 by William Dyce (National Gallery of Scotland)

John S. Dixon
Art Books Publishing Ltd. 192 pages.
One b/w and 254 colour illustrations; £29.99
ISBN 978 1 908 970 343

The Christian Year in Painting is a beautifully produced art book with 254 colour illustrations and an insightful commentary.

The book offers a rare combination of devotional faith and academic rigour. One can enjoy this book at many levels, ranging from a coffee-table browse, enjoying well-loved Old Master paintings for a few minutes, or a more serious read that includes narrative explanation, theological interpretation, visual analysis and historical context. It is divided into 33 short essays, each of which focuses on a painting chosen by the author for its visual and narrative content.

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