The Doctrine of the End Times
Edited by David Shaw
FIEC. 80 pages. £6.99
ISBN 978 1 784 983 260
This fifth issue of the FIEC’s Primer magazine aims to encourage the church that although eschatology is the study of the last things, we in fact live in the period of inaugurated eschatology; the tension between the now and not yet. Understanding the implications of this makes all the difference to our present Christian walk.
The style of writing seems to be aimed not so much at the average church member but church members who read widely, as well as pastors and theological students. A range of key evangelical thinkers contribute to this issue of Primer, and across the board the reader can expect commitment to biblical accuracy combined with on-the-ground relevance, as they tackle issues such as the eternality of hell, and how to read and teach Revelation.