Manana will do?

Adam Woodcraft  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2018
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Manana will do?

Stop Putting Things Off. Start Taking Things On
By Dave Griffith-Jones and Rico Tice
Good Book Company. 144 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 784 981 808

This is a life-changing book. It transformed my thinking from getting frustrated about my procrastination and showed me why I do it. Not only that, it gave hope that I can change and showed me how God will do it.

Dave Griffith-Jones, a minister who loves to climb mountains and has served churches in inner city Liverpool, encourages us to recognise that our hearts need to be undivided. The people we love need us to be strong and courageous. He shows us that the Bible tells us how we can be committed and fearless. Jesus lived the life we need and through pictures of his work in our lives we are brought to an understanding that God can mend our broken, divided heart.

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