David’s u-turn

Tom Fenning  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2018
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David’s u-turn

Rediscovering Repentance
By Dai Hankey
10Publishing. 64 pages. £2.99
ISBN 978 1 911 272 816

Repentance isn’t simply the way into the Christian life. Repentance is the way on in the Christian life. As John Calvin wrote: ‘God assigns to believers a race of repentance, which they are to run throughout their lives.’ That being the case, we all need examples of and encouragers in repentance. In Dai Hankey’s latest book we have both in abundance.

The book retells what is probably the Bible’s most famous story of repentance. The story of King David’s fall from grace into adultery and murder and his journey back to joy through the prophet Nathan’s rebuke and his own repentance.

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