Better­ off ­without ­us?

Brian Talbot  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2018
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Better­ off ­without ­us?

What our world would be like without
By Jeremiah J. Johnston
Bethany House. 236 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 0 764 231 377

In our contemporary Western world there are a number of high-profile authors and speakers who are extremely vocal in their proclamation that the world would be a better place if religion, and especially Christianity, had not existed.

They are usually strong on rhetoric but often present a very limited basis of evidence for their claims. Dr Johnston, President of the Christian Thinkers Society, a Resident Institute at Houston Baptist University in the USA, has particular expertise in the academic study of the New Testament and Apologetics He seeks to provide the evidence base on which such claims can be tested.

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