Church’s­ family ­table

John Samuel  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2018
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Church’s­ family ­table

Rethinking the Lord’s Supper for Today
By Nigel Scotland
Cascade Books. 184 pages. £20
ISBN 978 1 498 218 139

This plea to rethink the Lord’s Supper argues that it should, ideally, be a ‘a sit-down evening meal for small groups of Christian believers.’ (p.184).

Something happened, it is claimed, by the mid-fourth century, that changed a home-based fellowship meal for real believers, into a priest-led, complicated ritual to which nominal believers were invited (p.18). Scotland attributes this change to the reaction to abuses which arose, Corinthian-like, in the fellowship meal. This meant there was a need to separate out and preserve the ‘Eucharist’ element which focussed on the remembrance of Christ’s death.

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