Valuable­ compendium

Gary Brady  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2018
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Valuable­ compendium

Joel Beeke
Evangelical Press. 116 pages. £5.99
ISBN 978 1 783 971 923

A collection of 36 short articles that originally appeared in The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible, this book was written by 28 different authors under the editorship of Dr Joel Beeke. The helpful articles cover many practical aspects of the Christian life, from being assured and persevering, to worship and the means of grace.

Some subjects covered are basic and obvious, such as ‘Reading the Scriptures’, ‘How and why to pray’ and ‘Fellowship with believers’. Others are perhaps less obvious or more neglected – ‘How we regard ourselves’, ‘Godly contentment’ and ‘Using leisure time well’. It was a pleasant surprise to see, alongside articles on ‘Being a Christlike spouse’ ‘Raising children’ and ‘Honouring your parents’, one on ‘Being a Christian grandparent’. The chapter on ‘How to kill pride’ is potentially redundant next to the one on ‘Humility’.

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