Pilgrim’s Progress?

Jonathan Prime  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2017
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Pilgrim’s Progress?

Pilgrim Life in the Wilderness
By Jeremy Walker
Reformation Heritage Books. 263 pages. £15.24
ISBN 978 1 601 783 875

The request to review this book had come through the letterbox when we returned from holiday. A highlight of the holiday had been listening to an audio reading of Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. Passing Through picks up the same theme and image: what it means for a believer in our Lord Jesus to travel through a hostile world towards their eternal home. Not surprisingly there are many references to Pilgrim’s Progress.

Living in the light...

Starting with the identity of the disciple as a stranger and pilgrim, Passing Through seeks to show how, with ‘the Word of God as our map and the spirit of Christ as our compass’, the disciple can navigate a path through life. Each chapter follows a pattern, with a Scriptural Framework, followed by Summary Thoughts and Specific Counsels. It seeks to show what it means to live distinct from the world while living in it and engaging with it. It is full of good, solid, Christ-centred theology, with a deliberate desire to apply God’s Word to everyday life.

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