Transcending Mission? No, losing it.

Daryl Jones  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2017
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Transcending Mission? No, losing it.

The eclipse of a modern tradition
By Michael W Stroope
IVP Apollos. 454 pages. £24.99
ISBN 978 1 783 595 525

Is the word ‘mission’ no longer understandable or useable today? That is the question that Michael Stroope seeks to explore in this book. Essentially this is about the language of mission and how we use it today. It is Michael’s view that we are at best careless in using the word mission and at worst unbiblical.

Everything, according to the author, has become mission. So you can be involved in the work of mission (noun) or you can have mission(al) activities (adjective). He feels that in this we have lost something of what the Bible teaches on the subject of mission. As someone involved in mission first in student life, then local church and now more focused in helping churches in world mission I have a vested interest to think through this important and most certainly the book has helped to sharpen my thinking on it.

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