The deacon and the poor

Ray Evans  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2017
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The deacon and the poor

Biblical foundations for today’s
ministry of mercy
By Cornelis Van Dam
Reformation Heritage Books. 252 pages. £8.12
ISBN 978 1 601 785 114

The place and work of deacons is examined in this useful work. Van Dam starts by looking at the poor and how they were cared for in Old Testament times. He then moves on to Christ’s teaching on the poor and needy before examining early church practice. The crucial Acts 6 passage is described in detail and flowing from that he discusses ‘Deacons as Office Bearers’ and then asks, ‘Are Female Deacons Biblical’?

He does a short, but insightful, tour of church history and the office of deacon in various church traditions. He concludes by describing the possible current functioning of the Office today. He particularly tackles the issues of Diaconal ministry both within and outside of the congregation.

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