Best since Ryle!

Wallace Benn  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2017
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Best since Ryle!

Blueprints for Sanctification
By Sinclair B. Ferguson
Banner of Truth Trust. 296 pages. £8.00
ISBN 978 1 848 716 902

It is a great pleasure to be able to warmly commend this wonderful new book from the pen of Sinclair Ferguson. It is an absolute classic and a must-read on a much neglected subject today – that of the Christian’s call to holiness or Christlikeness.

In my opinion this is the best book on the subject since JC Ryle’s Holiness. The thesis of the book is that God calls us to be who he has made us in Christ and to begin by his grace to show the family DNA in Christlike character. This develops in us as we begin to understand the depth of all that God has done for us in our Saviour, and as we respond to that with a new devotion relying on all the resources that God has given us in him that we might be ‘conformed to the image of his Son’.

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