Rational humanity

JEB  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Mar 2017
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Rational humanity

Getting Answers to Life's Biggest Issues
By Martin Salter
10 Publishing. 128 pages. £3.99
ISBN 978 1 910 587 973

I was impressed almost from the first page.

The starting point of this book is the observation that, in today’s world, it seems as if people are taught what to think, but are not taught how to think. Fast-moving information technology bombards us with what often amounts to a stream of propaganda, with scarcely a moment given to recipients for reflection and rational analysis. In writing very usefully for both non-Christians and Christians, Martin Salter encourages us to be logical and to use our brains. He is swimming against the cultural tide, but in the right direction. ‘I don’t want so much to tell you what to think as open up a discussion on how to think.’ With ‘post-truth’ and suspicion of ‘experts’ being widely discussed, I think this is bang on and will strike a chord with many people.

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