Little Johns

Brian H. Edwards  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2017
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Little Johns

1, 2, 3 JOHN:
Mentor Expository Commentary
By Terry L. Johnson
Christian Focus 248 pages £22.99
ISBN 978 1 781 917 473

With so many commentaries on the market today, anyone entering this field with a new publication must add something a little special. In this commentary on the three letters of John, Terry Johnson does just that. It is succinct, straightforward, relevant, encouraging and theological.

Helpfully succinct, because the author gets quickly, briefly and sharply to the point, teasing out the significance of verb tenses without being laborious and with short and clear sentences. He deals at length only when length is needed. Simply straightforward, because it takes you to the heart of John’s message without jargon or clichés. Valuably relevant, because it is rooted both in the context of John’s day and in its message for us in our contemporary society. Examples of this are his handling of ‘love not the world’, and his careful application of 2 John 10–11. Terry’s use of present-day illustrations is especially helpful. Warmly encouraging, because the author does not overlook the value of speaking to our heart. Robustly theological, because hard verses are not avoided but are wisely set in the context of the passage and the whole Bible. One example among many is the thoughtful way he deals with the frequent belief among evangelicals that ‘God is love’ is the preeminent attribute of God: he reminds us that ‘God’s attributes are a harmonious unity’.

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