Underlining brilliant routines

Graham Beynon  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2016
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Underlining brilliant routines

Growing in Christ
By David Mathis
IVP. 208 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 783 594 177

This is a book on what are traditionally called ‘the spiritual disciplines’ – that is the practices that aid us in maintaining and growing in relationship with God. It is a fresh take on such disciplines that is to be welcomed.

The fresh take is seen in the title Habits of Grace. Reading the Bible and praying are not presented as duties to be performed, but habits to be nurtured through which grace can and will flow. That positive stance and sense of invitation reverberates through the book. The author self-confessedly comes from the John Piper ‘stable’ and that adds themes of pursuing joy and relishing God’s goodness, which contribute to this freshness.

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