Carnal Christianity?

Brian Talbot  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2016
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Carnal Christianity?

Biblical Spirituality for the Whole Person
By Paula Gooder
SPCK. 162 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 0 281 071 005

This book seeks to explore what Paul thought about our physical bodies, life after death, identity, relationships and life in the Spirit.

Gooder’s purpose was to reflect on how Paul’s view of the body might contribute to shaping our attitudes to our own bodies and, following on from that, to a more healthy understanding of spirituality. She is convinced that Paul is much more positive in his thinking about this topic than many interpreters have suggested over the centuries. The eight chapters are divided into four sections. Each covers a specific theme: chapters 1 and 2 ‘the nature of the soul’; chapters 3 and 4 ‘the resurrection of the body’; chapters 5 and 6 ‘the Spirit and identity’; chapters 7 and 8 ‘Paul’s language about the body’.

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