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J H John Peet  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2016
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Biblical Creation Defended and Applied
Editor Richard D. Phillips
P & R Publishing. 212 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 629 950 662

This publication is of a collection of papers presented at the 2013 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, sponsored by the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. It is a generally very readable and inspiring book on the theses suggested by the title. The theme is unashamedly based on a historical reading of the biblical creation account.

It is tempting to summarise each paper, but I feel that would spoil the impact of reading them in full – and at the price of the book, that would be a shame! Typical points made include the fact that Creation is fundamentally important to our standards of ethics and morality and to our worship (p.13). What God says in the opening chapters of the Scriptures defines what is right and what is wrong; outside of this, there is no argument against such practices as are becoming widely accepted today.

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