Missions man

Jim Sayers  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2016
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Missions man

Journeying with George Verwer, founder of OM
DVD from CWR. 55 mins. £12.99
ISBN 5027957001602

Over the summer, TV was clogged with tennis and football, so it was good to sit down for an hour to watch this DVD documentary that follows George Verwer telling the story of his remarkable life.

From his early days in New Jersey and NYC, to Moody Bible Institute, and on through marriage to Drena, this film presented by Russell Boulter charts the trajectory of a mission-soaked life. George and Drena started married life in Mexico, moved to Spain, then to India and Nepal, before joining the first OM ship Logos, from which they developed a huge literature ministry.

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