Two voices

David Magowan  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2016
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Two voices

John Calvin
Banner of Truth. 312 pages. £15.00
ISBN 978 1 848 715 691

This is a new translation from the original French by Robert White from Australia. These 17 sermons on the book of Titus were preached by Calvin to the congregation of St Peter’s Church in Geneva in 1555.

The translation is in readable and modern English, with the original Reformation context apparent less from the language used than from the frequent acidic criticism levelled against Roman Catholicism. Some explanatory notes are provided, giving helpful insight into particular applications made by Calvin. For example, in his sermons, Calvin refers to ‘that devilish Interim’ (The Interim of Augsburg of 1548), ‘greased priests’ (who had been anointed with oil), and ‘that wretched heretic’ (Michael Servetus). Each sermon concludes with a short extempore prayer.

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