Sympathy for the black dog

Val Maidstone  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2016
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Sympathy for the black dog

Healing for the Wounded
By C.H. Spurgeon
Christian Focus. 136 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 781 915 851

This is a compilation of six of Spurgeon’s sermons on depression by Zack Eswine.

Both Spurgeon and his wife, Susannah, suffered from depression from time to time and he writes as one who both knows and cares for others battling with similar problems. All six sermons are from the Old Testament and consider Job, Elijah, Isaiah and Psalms 42 and 147. Depression can be viewed suspiciously by some Christians. In this small book there is both sympathy from the pastor for the sufferer and also harsher words for those who heard and judged.

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