
Martin Salter  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2016
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Updated and Expanded
By John Stott and Christopher J. H. Wright
IVP. 238 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 783 593 934

In 1975, following his involvement with the Lausanne Conference, Stott published Christian Mission in the Modern World – a book that has become a classic text in dealing with missional concerns arising from the ecumenical debate.

In five concise (yet thorough) essays, Stott offers biblical and theological reflections on the meaning of mission, evangelism, dialogue, salvation and conversion. In each chapter he outlines the contemporary debate, explores the biblical and theological issues and offers winsome practical application. Additionally, in this revised and expanded edition, Christopher Wright offers his own biblical, theological and historical reflections on each of Stott’s essays.

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