Help for the world’s fragile economy

Steve Gandy  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2016
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Help for the world’s fragile economy

Money, Banking and the Future of the
Global Economy
By Mervyn King
Little Brown. 448 pages. £25.00
ISBN 978 1 408 706 107

Lord Mervyn King served as the Governor of the Bank of England from 2003 to 2013 and is now a Professor at New York University and at the London School of Economics.

His tenure at the Bank of England coincided with the financial crisis of 2008 (the greatest crisis experienced by Western economies since the Great Depression) when the bankruptcy of Lehmann Brothers set off a chain reaction of bank failures and a subsequent severe recession. King is thus superbly qualified to analyse the events leading up to and after the crisis, a job he does brilliantly.

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