Left for dead

JEB  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Mar 2016
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Left for dead

DiCaprio as Hugh Glass| photo: 20th Century Fox

Alejandra G Inarritu
Cert. 15 156 mins

The word ‘revenant’ means ‘the one who returns’ and especially someone who returns, supposedly, from the dead. This might make a Christian sit up and take notice of this film.

Starring Leonardo DiCaprio (tipped for an Oscar) it is based on the true story of Hugh Glass, a fur trapper in the freezing woods of Montana during the early 19th century. It contains some superb photography, a lot of graphic violence and comparatively little by way of dialogue. Attacked by a ferocious bear, Glass is betrayed, left for dead, and buried by a man who has killed Glass’s only son. But the one they thought was dead, through much pain and suffering, astonishingly by dint of incredible stamina and will power, returns to bring retribution.

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