Fact-based faith

JEB  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Mar 2016
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Fact-based faith

Evidence for the Bible
By Clive Anderson and Brian Edwards
DayOne. 44 pages. £1.00
ISBN 978 1 846 255 021

‘The Bible is just a fairy tale!’ It’s a common attitude among non-thinking non Christians which regularly needs challeng-ing.

This booklet (rooted in the authors’ much bigger hardback Evidence for the Bible) makes a tremendous little give-away to place in the hands of sceptical friends and neighbours. It is composed of 20 snippets of archaeological fact, which can be found by anyone in such places as the British Museum, showing the reliability of Scripture as it records events from Noah’s Flood through the history of Old Testament Israel right through to the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is well illustrated with glossy photos of the relevant artefacts and hopefully will fascinate those who look through it into wanting find out much more. Great stuff!

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