Mayflower days

Kenneth Brownell  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2016
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Mayflower days

The Promise and Price of Religious Freedom
By Ian Cooper
Day One. 128 pages. £10.00
ISBN 978 1 846 254 775

The history and culture of the United States cannot be understood without the Puritans and the original Puritans were the Pilgrims who in 1620 arrived off the coast of what is today Massachusetts.

Most of them came from Lincolnshire, via the Netherlands, because of the increasing hostility of the Crown and the established church towards Puritanism. This group also considered the Church of England to be beyond reformation and wanted nothing to do with it. They found that conditions in the Netherlands were no more congenial to the worship and conduct of church life that they believed the Bible prescribed, so the decision was made to migrate to the new world.

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