Unflinching gospel

Pete Killingley  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2015
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Unflinching gospel

Your Biggest Questions. His Honest Answers.
By Phil Moore
Lion Hudson. 123 pages. £5.99
ISBN 978 0 857 216 779

This is an evangelistic book with 15 chapters, each representing a ‘tough question’ that is often asked of Christianity. The premise behind the book is that, in contrast to Michael Howard and his famous Jeremy Paxman interview of 1997, Jesus gives clear answers in his Word to the difficult questions that many non-Christians have.

The questions are for the most part the exact questions you would expect a nonbeliever to ask: ‘Hasn’t religion been the cause of appalling violence?’and ‘Aren’t Christian hypocrites?’, along with other questions on racism, homosexuality, the Bible and judgment. However, the second chapter, which asks whether there could ever be a just war, seems unnecessary and is certainly given too prominent a place in the book.

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