Lives laid down

Lois Collier  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2015
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Lives laid down

Murdered for the Messiah in Turkey
By James Wright
EP Books. 209 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 783 971 138

This is an account of the lives of Necati Aydın, Uğur Yüksel and Tilmann Geske. The preface takes the reader immediately to the subject: ‘On April 18, 2007, three men gave their lives for Jesus Christ.’ The book then expands on what led up to this event. It is written in the form of a story but based on first-hand accounts.

The first chapters focus on the background of the men. Born to a pious Muslim family, Necati embraced Islam. He saw the Bible as having been corrupted and the Trinity as blasphemous. Through the witness of Shemse and through reading the Bible for himself, his eyes were opened to the truth and he was determined, come what may, to share his faith with other Turks. After marrying Shemse, he moved to Malatya to work in a Christian publishing house and to help at church.

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