Strengthened by grace for a life of love
By Gloria Furman
IVP. 156 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 783 592 777
The key to The Pastor’s Wife lies in the subtitle – that God’s grace is sufficient for us in our everyday lives. Because of all that Jesus has done for us we are empowered to serve our God, our husband and our church.
These three areas form the main sections of the book, in which the pastor’s wife is first and foundationally drawn to focus on God. He is the source of our strength and it is for his glory we labour, both in the context of being a helper to our husband in his ministry and in the opportunities we have to serve the church. We are reminded of the eternal perspective of the church and encouraged to persevere in doing (sm)all things for the marvellous goal of building up the body of believers.