Reliable Bible

JEB  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2015
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Reliable Bible

Why We Can Trust the Bible
By Daniel Strange and Mike Ovey
Christian Focus. 151 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 78191 554 7

The Scriptures, the Word of God, come under attack in every age. The question of whether we can still be confident in their reliability is therefore a perennial one which needs to be regularly addressed in the face of challenges old and new.

The principal and academic vice principal of Oak Hill Theological College, North London, step up to the mark with this slim paperback, to build the Christian’s confidence in the Bible and to provide ammunition against a fast changing world which sneers at fools like us who continue to believe in the ancient book. We need to be able to answer the questions and assumptions people have in our digital and ‘touchy-feely’ age, not those they had 30 or 40 years ago.

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