On the brink of home

Steve Wilmshurst  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2015
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On the brink of home

Deuteronomy for the People of God
By James Robson
Apollos IVP. 234 pages. £14.99
ISBN 978 1 844 746 255

This is a book about Deuteronomy, not a commentary. That’s what makes it so useful. It would be helpful to anyone preparing a series of sermons or small group studies on Deuteronomy.

Particularly useful aspects include the way the book is placed in its context, both in Israel’s story and in God’s greater redemption plans. There’s a parallel between the closure of the Pentateuch as the people are poised to enter the Land, anticipating the fulfilment of the promise, and the starting point of the New Testament with the arrival of Christ. I also appreciated Robson’s handling of the place and relevance of the Law. He emphasises that ‘redemption precedes obligation as much in the Old Testament as in the New. It is a profound misunderstanding of the Old Testament to think otherwise.’

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