Coronary problem

Lee Campbell  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2015
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Coronary problem

Cultivating Life on the Inside
By Graham Beynon
IVP. 176 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 1 783 591 718

The test results are in, the news isn’t good, and the diagnosis from Dr Beynon is that it’s heart failure.

He proposes radical, painful, open-heart gospel surgery. All too often our Christian lives consist of mere outward conformity and dry duty with little or no inner vitality. Mark 7.6 comes to mind: ‘these people honour me with their lips but their hearts are far from me’ – sadly we also can be guilty of hypocrisy. Graham Beynon shows us how to create, sustain and nurture the right ‘heart attitudes’ towards God so that we might live authentic Christian lives, make real spiritual progress and find fulfilment in our walk with God.

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