Devotions in pink!

Laura Mugge  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2015
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Devotions in pink!

Loving Others God’s Way
By Laura Martin.
Christian Focus. 176 pages. £5.99
ISBN 978-1845509712

Love is is a pink A5 devotional-cum-Bible study book focussed around Paul’s teaching of 1 Corinthians 13. It has 30 short chapters.

Each page is decorated with a tasteful red heart border making it engaging to read. Each chapter starts with a useful pictorial introduction and then a Bible reading from another part of the Bible which examines God’s character. The ‘digging deeper’ questions that follow are when the rubber really hits the road. Examples exposing sin cut to the heart for our family – on numerous occasions I wondered if Laura Martin had been an unseen guest at our house for a weekend, or perhaps even a day! I would advise that for junior aged children an adult or older sibling reads with them, because as always it’s easy to gloss over our individual sin and how the Lord may be wishing to correct and refine us. My only minor irritation is that the Bible verses weren’t numbered, so an NIV Bible is also needed to answer the questions. The conclusion, a written prayer, helps to draw thoughts together and look to the Lord for dependence on making us more like him.

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