Think about it

Trevor Archer  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2015
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Think about it

What ever happened to the good
By Philip Yancey
Hodder & Stoughton. 293 pages.
ISBN 976 1 444 789 010

Twenty years after his best seller, What’s So Amazing About Grace?, Philip Yancey returns to the subject, concerned that too often grace is not that evident in the manner in which Christians and the church act out their faith before a watching world.

The book divides into four parts and is, at the author`s own admission, four books in one! Part One – A World Athirst – recognises that although the vast majority of people in the Western world reject anything that smacks of organised religion, the deep need of their souls for forgiveness, grace and community remains strong. In Part Two – Grace Dispensers – Yancey calls upon Christians to be ‘visible apologists’ for the gospel of grace, engaging in relationships with those who are far off and often opposed to the gospel.

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