Wake-up call

Peter Seccombe  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2014
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Wake-up call


Bala ministers’ conference 1955-2014
By D.Eryl Davies
Bryntirion Press / Evangelical Press.
442 pages. £11.99
ISBN 978 1 783 970 568

This book focuses on Dr Lloyd-Jones’s influence on Welsh pastors, and hence on evangelicalism in Wales, particularly through his regular attendance at their annual conference which, having begun in 1955, met regularly from 1962 in Bala and continues to do so.

Over the years a number of pastors from other parts of the UK have attended the conference regularly, thus extending its influence more widely. Only very rarely did Lloyd-Jones miss a conference. Clearly it was a priority for him, reflecting both his love of Wales and his desire to do everything possible to encourage his fellow preachers, not least the younger men. Normally he would give the closing address and chair the evening discussions. Equally important, no doubt, was his personal interaction with small groups and individuals and the strong relationships that he thus forged with them.

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