Tanked up

JEB  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2014
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Tanked up

The tank crew |photo: Columbia Pictures

Director & writer
David Ayer
Cert 15 134 minutes

This is not a profound film.

It is the fictional drama of a five man US tank crew in the last days of WWII in April 1945. ‘Fury’ is the name of their tank. The tank sergeant (Brad Pitt) is a battle-hardened soldier whose crew has fought the war all the way from North Africa into Germany itself. The action is gory and the language often unpleasant. This realism includes the portrayal of the absolute superiority of the German Tiger tank over the US Sherman. In some ways it is a ‘rights of passage’ film with the human storyline being a ‘father-son’ style interaction between the tough sergeant and a young and inexperienced gunner, ‘Norman’ (Logan Lermann), newly assigned to the tank and who must learn to kill.

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