A Christmas cracker!

Jim Murkett  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2014
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A Christmas cracker!

A biblical introduction to the incarnation
By Peter Mead
Christian Focus. 207 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 781 914 267

In his introduction, Peter Mead says that ‘Christianity is a faith with Christmas in its DNA’.

The rest of this book backs up that claim, showing that the coming of Jesus into our world was anticipated in the OT while being more fully explained in the NT. Part One examines OT foundations for the incarnation including the promise of a seed to Abraham who will be the ultimate prophet, priest and king and the embodiment of God’s new covenant in a person. Part Two surveys the account of Jesus’ birth from Matthew’s Gospel while Part Three focuses in on Luke’s Gospel. Part Four concludes by examining other NT passages that provide insight into why God became a man.

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