Ein fröhlicher Christ

JEB  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2014
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Ein fröhlicher Christ

Stories from the life of Pastor Wilhelm Busch
Compiled and translated by Christian Puritz
Evangelical Press. 329 pages. £10.99
ISBN 978 0 852 349 144

This is a very encouraging book.

Wilhelm Busch was a Lutheran pastor who worked, mostly among young people, in the town of Essen in Germany. His life spans both World Wars (two wrongs don’t make a Reich?). Coming from a Christian home, he was truly converted during the first conflict in a ditch near Verdun having just told a dirty joke to his friend, who didn’t laugh – which was when Busch realised his friend had been killed. This brought him face to face with eternity and with the Saviour.

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