Straight from the kick-off

Ranald Macaulay  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2014
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Straight from the kick-off

How Genesis 1-4 explains our world
By Alasdair Paine
Christian Focus. 189 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 781 913 239

He is a brave man who takes on the task of explaining what Genesis 1-4 is all about!

But Alasdair Paine is a brave man and he refuses to let sceptical scientific theories frighten him away from what are arguably the most important chapters in the Bible. After all, as the title succinctly suggests, if these are the ‘first chapters of everything’ a wrong exit at this point leads to the ‘badlands’ of ignorance, confusion and despair, which is pretty well where Western society is today. Put simply, if you foul up on Genesis 1-4, you foul up everywhere.

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