Nudge without fudge

JEB  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2014
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Nudge without fudge

Martin Salter
10Publishing. 47 pages. £2.99
ISBN 978 1 909 611 535

This booklet seeks to open minds to a consideration of the gospel and it is gentle, stimulating and above all short – a great virtue these days.

Martin Salter, who is part of the leadership at Grace Community Church Bedford, tackles six fundamental questions about life which everyone asks at some stage: Where have we come from?; Where are we going?; What are we here for?; What’s wrong?; What’s the solution? and How do we know? These are well chosen. It is contemporary in style with a good selection of pertinent quotations from Leo Tolstoy to Siri on your iPhone! The chapters quietly nudge readers in a Christian direction. It’s a great booklet to give away.

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