A thousand new churches!

Ray Evans  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2014
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A thousand new churches!

What the 2012 London Church Census Reveals
By Peter Brierley
ADBC. 176 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 0 956 657 763

In this book the well-known church statistician Peter Brierley shares the results of a detailed survey of churches (i.e. those holding to a basic Trinitarian confession but varying in other beliefs, so not just evangelical churches) in the nation’s capital. It is encouraging reading!

The headline is that 720,000 people were found to be regularly going to church on Sunday, 100,000 more than just seven years before. Though much of this is due to immigration from places where church-going is more common, it also bears testimony to the vibrancy of a Christianity that is alive and thriving. So, for example, over 1,000 new churches have been planted in the last seven years – that’s brilliant!

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