Practical church

Andrew Wigham  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2014
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Practical church

Richard Bewes
Christian Focus. 224 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 1 781 912 867

Equipped to Serve is a gift to the church. It is a very readable, practical and deeply Christ-centred book, the fruit of a lifetime of serving our Saviour.

It is the sort of book that can be read in just a few sittings, but has a message that will take a lifetime to exhaust. At its heart is a conviction that every Christian is involved in Christian work (‘anyone who gets to a prayer meeting is a Christian worker’ – p.13) and that, as a result, every Christian needs to be suitably equipped: a goal which this book more than meets – it really does do what it says on the cover!

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